Massa Vecchia – The number one spot for mountainbiking in Italy

Massa Vecchia, Tuscany, Italy

The best place for Flow Trails, nice Italian food an a very personal touch in the hotel.

Most of the trails are hand built, all of them are (more or less- it all depends on your biking level) easy to handle and you will love the flow….

Every day is a new adventure when you start your ride in different groups in different levels, from beginners to pros, you can have it all. There a half and full day tours, all guided by pros.

The trails around Massa Marittima are also famous for being the playgroud for the Cross Country star Nino Schurter and the whole Swisspower Scott Team. It’s easy to meet them here in Massa Vecchia.

If you have finished your tour, the best is still to come: Italian food for lunch, there is no better place to taste different pastas or rice dishes. All prepared with a lot of love by Simone, the biking chief of the kitchen. Massa Vecchia even has it’s own price winning red wine, which belongs to the team captain of the Swisspower Scott Team, Thomas Frischknecht.


Links to check out the singletrail paradise:

